World Cup Russia 2018 ,Who Is The Winner?

Dear customers,

To appreciate your fully supports to us, SEC-E9 key cutting machine factory will prepare big surprises for you during World Cup Russia 2018.
Valid Time: 00:00 19th June 2018 – 24:00 15th July 2018(UTC/GMT +3 ) One user only has one chance.
Guessing The World Cup, Take SEC E9 Home!

How to join us? ?? What are the surprises???
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Valid Time: 00:00 19th June 2018 – 24:00 15th July 2018  (UTC/GMT +3 )
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Ⅱ:The new generation of Octopus Prophecy-Paul is you!

Valid Time : 00:00 19th June 2018- 24:00 30th June 2018 (UTC/GMT +3 )
A: Guess who are the top 4 teams (take the first three as winner)

Win a tablet PC of SEC E9 key cutting machine, Value $350.
B: Guess who is the champion(take the first one as winner)

Win M10 manual key machine with car power adaptor, Value $456.
Ⅲ:Big Surprise of Winning SEC E9 key cutting machine !

Who is the biggest winner? How to take E9 to home ?How to get it ?Please follow our company web,Facebook , we will release related information on and before 30th June (UTC/GMT +3 ).